May be I am afraid to meet you
Because when I do, when I don't,
I stay and never leave
I atheistically then believe
that the northern wind my lullabies,
that the sea waves then have wings
that the moon speaks
and that the sun rays upon your face,
have lips.
May be I am afraid to meet you
because when I do, when I don't,
I become too beautiful for sadness
I hug you, and time then,
stands still
the world fades away
and our tight arms kiss
and love tell
may be I am afraid to meet you
because when I do, when I don't,
I do accept myself
I forgive
I hold my soul within you
as tight
because when I do, when I don't,
I fight
I become but sunlight
I rise to my own right
I then, fly
out of my patience cocoon
I colorfully then, butterfly
and into your warmth sky,
what next?
may be I am afraid to meet you
because when I do, when I don't,
I have already all my lifetimes lived
they come true,
all those dreams I have of u once
they turn into reality
all those birthday wishes
I to my flickering candles
ever wished
there would be no more homeless vows for me
to in your name,
and more hungry stray dogs of hope
then for me to in ur name,
nothing more of this mad world
I need
when I have once with my flesh heart,
your flesh heart, touched
God's heavens I see
when ur eyes see me
when ur lips breathe my name
for me to be
when I am in ur sigh wind
but dancing dust
when I find myself at last,
May be I am afraid to meet you,
because when I do, when I don't,
your eloquent hands verse my rhyming fingers into poetry
I then Cohen and Auden
I Rumi and Shams
As your hands Ghalib and Drake
when we word shake
the promises we never make, my love,
we never break
they grow in the mustard fields of our faith palms
and the mandolin tunes play
when your messy hairs at my waiting cheeks,
mercilessly sway
as hard as my longing
and Like your velvet with your-own self- coming shot,
scattered around my fire gazes,
like your gasping heartbeats, at my hunter grips, prey
and I heroically surrender
to your hairs stares armies of wonder
and want
Another place then is the place
new time is the very same time
fate becomes a dear friend
and I single-handedly demolish
all those "what if" sand castles of lament
rainbows of happenings in my eyes
you do heal in me everything
may be I am just afraid to meet you
because when I do, when I don't,
I know
I just don't let go
may be that is why...
if only I could know.
if only i would know...