They say you are not mine
And that i am crazy,
For loving you so much
For living you and such
darling,How clueless they are!
So what if you are that far?
if you are that shining superstar
And i am just a few words away
a line in a mention
or a wandering verse if i may
what if all the being curls into some letters
some curved lines in twinkling glitters
some laughing dots
and at times some serious Nots
Breathing Hope and Despair
Smiling tears in a longing stare
this unfair

what Do they know?
about the yearning fingers
as your call lingers
tenderly holding each sentence
making love to your Present absence
shivering around the moaning screen
Exposed and unseen
This sensually Mystical
They don't know
what we don't show
so what if we are shy?
hiding behind a smile & a sigh
cuddling around the beary Caps Hugs
flashing animated kisses to space
Greeting whispers rest on your face
Making memories of our own
My Prince of darkness, i am your own.
Being "Your Aphrodite"
at an alter of the pantheon
in an Athens holiday
"Your Geisha"
at the taste of your first Sushi
During your Berlin stay
once a "Spanish guitar" ballad
in a "one man show"
What do they know...
that dancing smoke
on your morning "Black coffee and a cigarette"
This "Marionette"
only your being pulls into insanity and bliss.

what do they know?
how a simple "Yippie" makes my day
and a Capital "A" would make me sway
They just Don't
my woulds and your won'ts
As real as the actual
is our Enigmatic virtual my love..

Here i am
celebrating you in our world of words
blow the candles
make a wish
this ticklish
ia the thought of your dimpled kiss
That of you i never miss
Flying one more your way
Have the million kisses Birthday
My sacred ritual
at your linguistic temple
Burning Grammatic incense
Reciting your name in each breath
subjected to my actual
As Your predicated virtual.
Happy Birthday darling..May next year brings you more love,Health,wealth and always loads of blessings..Love you..Hope my humble words can slightly tell..

Cute charming voice by Our Very Own Mony @Misr_Kinglover..we love you Shahrukh.more then you know..
burning grammatic incense whispering your name in each breath...now that is definitely a little obsession there..which may not be a bad thing right? smile.
Wonderful piece, even though thought you were going all stalker at first..hahaha
I especially like what you did in the second stanza with the lines curing into letters etc. Very clever and a nice birthday post.
such a beautiful write for someone you love - left me a bit breath-less and with a big sigh at the end :)
I enjoyed it so much... your walk within memories, celebrating love... and yes loved Shahrukh Khan's images... Thanks for sharing..
ॐ नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya
breath taking.
a lovely building up and finish.
The imagery here is intoxicating..mesmerizing. Really beautiful. As for your question in the beginning, even Vincent van Gogh said, 'Can anyone be purer than this girl who loved so much?"
Keep your passionate heart. It is yours more than any other.
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