Today you can't stop me
Today i am rising
These dreams which haunt me
today will be dancing
on my striving tunes
drums of anger
Roaring danger
My screams are no more silent
blow as much heads as you wish
set this canyon with more fire
Today my whole life is on your wire
I am my own destiny
Today i am your worst nightmare
I am that fair and this unfair
I am this young boy
who once needed a dream to hold on to
a future to look up for
out of your maze,He needed a shore
a day to pass without feeling guilty
of being born
I needed a teacher who was not frustrated
a school system which is not deteriorated
a playground to craft my childhood
and a chance to listen to my own voice
a space to scrap my hopes
on the wings of a flying kite
It is still me
this young man who gets to study
what he has to
this helpless shame of what is available
crashing his simple needs into luxurious taboos
made him run into the illusion of a revolution
that could one day happen
one morning, while standing in the line for loaves of bread
Daring his tears to shed
As Life Lines never end
Today i am the one who will make it come true
Today you are no more in charge
It is Me
Rising out of Me
To the world of possibility
I am your now and My tomorrow
not all your canyons can stop me
I created my own dreams Today
Delivered out of the womb of courage.

This piece was inspired by this marvelous Revolution that is happening in my beloved Egypt. this young man who stood before the canyon putting his life at front moved me.May God always give us the power and strength to stand up for our own freedom.Bless him and All Egyptian heroes who are protesting for Human freedom.
Indeed bless the hero that stands up for freedom no matter the cost.
"I am your now and My tomorrow"
Says it all my very talented friend. Hope this ends the way we want not the way they want. Loving it ...
May Kosba
"I am your now and My tomorrow"
Says it all my very talented friend. Hope this ends the way we want not the way they want. Loving it ...
May Kosba
@sir thomas always your presence gives me a big smile..thank you for your support..itsa tough time for all of us..hope all turns well..
@May this line came out with a powerful breathe and a tear of hope..inshaallah it ll all be better, my heart goes to all of our heroes there.
nice...great write...a story of finding one self and individuality in spite of circumstances...to rise above...
Out of the womb of courage...a powerful line...let freedom be to all in Eygpt, you can sense your courage in this write Desert....bkm
It is quite the thing happening there from my understanding...and it was inspired by the recent Tunisian revolution, no? North Africa certainly seems to be in the grips of something...and I wish all the best to your Egypt. Though as Tunisia has shown at present, one still must be reserved to some extent, pondering what will come of the changes wrought. Cheers to freedom, though, and to your wonderful tribute to all the people fighting for it. Beautiful words.
@Brian thank you so much Brian,yes..to rise above it is.
@Signed...bkm thank you ,it has been so long since we felt this taste of being able to dream of a better tomorrow..love to you dear one..:)
@Chris i agree with you Chris, change when it happens it will first be messy and chaotic but at least after a while,things will get organized, the nation which stands up once can do it 100 times more..:)
Mmmmm...powerful, inspirational poem. We are not getting any news over here of what is happening there--I wonder why not!!!
This is beyond excellent.
Indeed a passionate poem this!!!
Fabulous work...
Loved reading it :)
Very passionate and powerful piece. We all need to stay strong to get us through life's daily challenges.
Very admirable writing.
I hope the changes taking place will resolve into a peaceful state, and sooner than later.
Nice One Shot!
"He needed a shore
a day to pass without feeling guilty
of being born..."
Inspiring lines, heartfelt, true. I second what Timoteo has said; left in the dark here. Wish you and your family not to fall into harm's way, my dear. Moving poetry.
Strong words I find here today, Abeer dear...Love your freedom
Wow... tight, powerful and intense!! A beautiful ode to this young man (and all that stand up for what they believe in, that stand for their freedom)!!!
You know, today (26th Jan) is celebrated as Republic Day in India.. and when I opened your page and saw the flag, I almost thought it was the Indian flag :) and it made me feel so warm and goosebumpy...
Loved your poem, girl!!
Cheers to HUMAN freedom, and to all that live (and die) for it!!!
Gorgeousness my sweet! ♥
Great thoughts. Pray for the youth.
yes, like the mighty phoenix, rising once again - strong and steadfast - a lesson for us all no matter our homeland - beautifully written, dear lady!
Desert Rose
Words of wisdom, empowering strength.
"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed." Martin Luther King quote,,,
Peace and Unity to your countrymen, may the soldiers stand side by side with the rest of its people not against them.
Stirring political call.
here's to all of those fighting every day in every way for freedom - and here's to you and yours, wishing you well, dear lady - please keep us informed as you can! you are in our thoughts! peace and love -
Good luck, nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous mais savons bien que vous ne pourrez pas nous lire...
thinking of you and yours, dear lady - and all the others there -
It is February 3rd, and I am following the events in your country each day. I PRAY THAT YOU ARE SAFE! Please let us know, if you can.
thinking of you my dear blog friend,,,
praying for your country and you...
ditto to timoteo's comment
such great and deep joy to read this poem.
The inner REbel waking up... I think this is the long waited Rebellion coming to life and the ultimate want for freedom... Powerful words :)
you and your country continue in our thoughts, dear friend - be safe and come back soon - peace and love - jenean
"I needed a teacher who was not frustrated
a school system which is not deteriorated
a playground to craft my childhood
and a chance to listen to my own voice"
it was a good read.. its unbelievable how a small thing like internet or Facebook can add fuel to such a large scale revolution..
Do visit my blog if you are into emotional stuff :P
My thoughts are with you. Hope you are okay.
"...the nation which stands up once can do it 100 times more..:)"
That is a poem in itself. Beautiful, inspiring work! You are a gift to everyone with the courage to read.
Your words are powerful and paint a picture more truly than a camera.
thinking of you and yours, dear lady - and hoping all is well!
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bless you, how are you?
Excellent work,
i wish you all the best.
Greetings, Joop
Very solid work.
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