How many nights
lie awake in your hair forests
without a moon
Seducing the northern winds
upon your face tempest,
what cursed view is taking your eye?
why isn't it my one black and white eye?
where do they go
with your soul?
who got your call?
my heart drowns
your forehead frowns
and heavens gates split
at the eyebrows tilt
fields of magical roses bloom
in between the lids
darkened guards
your kohl eyed
strip bare
before my sips
Oily drops
your honey sweat dips
to my thirst,
crawling rivers.
slopping down
in your itching town
of lust
population of rhapsody
high on your fervored ecstasy
i lay in my twilight zone
in the center of your beard delights
i want to listen to their stories
they tell when you are asleep
and how it feels to be around your lips
may be they can share some tips
oh in my mind i take those trips
to your high lands of lechery
juicy syrup leaks
on your carved shaft of pleasure
spills on your chest
heavenly Nectar..
coming too far
in me, they melt.
your gazing lines
Scruffy word grips
on my open wounds
like salty whips
Drenching wet,
our eyes met,
Not looking.
Don't ever stop...
may we never reach anywhere
it's most beautiful when we dare
my hands in your well combed hair
and yours just messing around my life straight.
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