Always on My Mind you baby...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My angel...

Reign in my heart
Retrieve my bended dart
just Save my soul
be my Hero and my Killer
Wave to my fall
to clear the way for a winter dweller
Reply to my whole
as an omen of a fortune teller
Prevail in my space
as my universal shelter
Identify with my face
as my tears and laughter
Crave for my call
when nobody is listening
let me be your all
as your everlasting awakening
I have released my breeds
Scattered all my beads
in my hair where you wonder
You drive my wild dreams
Revive in my silent screams
as the creation and the master
I wonder in your myths
As your demon's mistress
For you are my daring angel
and i am your own deciphered enigma.


LarvK said...

Lovely....only the angels can transmit them as carvings in our hearts...He's one who eases our anxieties...*LY*

Desert Rose said...

he is the angel and the myth
the tear that we would kiss
the exotic pain
the savior rain
falling to hold us up
poured to fill our cup
he is here and there
flying within this fairytale
holding his magical stick
to touch our lives with hope..:)

Unknown said...

Honesty written all over it! An honest imagination...of the honest dream...

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