Always on My Mind you baby...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Ballerina...

She tied the ribbons of her shoes
adjusted the rose with a pin
her body was all lose
shivering as she was to begin
the journey of resistance
and submission
On her toes
her mind blows
like a leaf in the wind
she turns in circles
crash her wrinkles
out of her veins
pumped the beats of life
through all her pains
she wins the strife
raising her head
her arms were spread
the piano was moaning
with a magical tune
when the violin kept roaming
like the lonely dune
she held her arms
in a longing swing
touched her own soul
and fell
embracing the gravitated ring
when can i sing?
my lyrics of lust
when can you dance
on my lifetime melody?
Bohemian Rashpody
was sailing in her brain
that insane
is your wisdom
and that fragile
is my kingdom
she then stood tall
on her toes
cheering the crowd
breathing out loud
opening her eyes at once
to greet his shinning face
resting her toes
as the red curtains close.


dustus said...

Nice work, Abeer. Your lines get stronger every time I visit. Cheers

Desert Rose said...

thank you so much really means a lot to me..:)

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